How to Address Assignment Issues

How College Students Should Address with Assignment Issues

From final grades perspective assignments are very important. Whether you like them or not you have to complete them to get a pass in each course, then why not do it in the perfect way to get good grades. Many students try their best to make the superlative assignment but still the professor points out many minor mistakes that are usually overlooked by the students. And teachers commonly report that their students are not able to present up to the standard work. This article by an assignment writing service will guide about what are the common mistakes done by students and these mistakes should be addressed.

What Should Be The Role of Teachers:

First of all teachers must evaluate the task or question of the assignment before assigning it to the students. They should ask themselves why they are assigning this assignment to the students. What will students learn from it? What skills, knowledge and abilities will be measured through it? Does it fulfil the academic goals? At the time of creation of assignment instructor must ensure that it aligns with the course. For example, in case if the teacher needs students to exhibit basic reasoning, maybe asking them to just sum up an article is not enough to align with the objective; a more suitable choice may be to give an analysis of a question.

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Finally, the association between the assignment and its motivation ought to be obvious to both teacher and students to guarantee that it is satisfying the ideal objectives and doesn’t seem like occupied work. Secondly the assignment should match the level of the studies. It should be based on the concepts that they need to know not on the concepts and knowledge that they already know. Teachers must have enough understanding of their class to find out what needs to be given as task so that the assignment can best fits with the need of learning of skill levels because assignments that are very easy can result in lack of motivation and too challenging assignments will make students frustrate and they will lose their interest in that subject. First explain the purpose or objective of the assignment.

Despite the fact that you know why the assignment is significant and what it is intended to achieve, you can’t accept that your students will intuit that reason. Your students will welcome a comprehension of how the assignment fits into the bigger objectives of the course and what they will gain from the cycle. Being straightforward with your students and clarifying why you are requesting that they complete a given assignment can at last assistance spur them to finish the assignment all the more mindfully. Try not to give dubious or confounding orders. Do students know what you mean when they are approached to inspect or examine a theme? Review of what you decided about your students’ encounters and levels to enable you to choose what bearings will sound good to them and what will require more clarification or direction.

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Try not to force outlandish time restrictions or require the utilization of lacking assets for fulfilment of the assignment. For example, directing all students to utilize a similar asset, guarantee that there are sufficient resources for all students to get to. Ensure that you are giving your students with adequate opportunity to find assets and viably complete the assignment. Try not to expect or propose that all assignments will be 100% ideal. A typical blunder for teachers is to direct the substance of an assignment too inflexibly, or to suggest that there is a solitary right reaction or a particular end to reach, either unequivocally or verifiably.

Without a doubt, students don’t value feeling as though they should guess what an instructor might be thinking to finish an assignment effectively, or that their own thoughts have no place  to go, and can lose inspiration therefore. The best assignments welcome students to participate in basic reasoning, not simply imitate talks or readings. Try avoiding too many questions or more than one concept in one assignment. Teachers may try this way to challenge students but they fail posing a larger number of inquiries than students can sensibly address in a solitary assignment without losing centre.

What Should Be The Role of Students:

Students need to do their best in writing assignments and their attitude towards the assignment should be positive and serious. They first of all need to understand the task when the assignments are assigned. And if the questions are unclear or they have any questions then they should discuss it with their teacher either through email or face to face in the next class or by visiting their office at a suitable time. Secondly they should make sure they use the writing and appropriate resources for getting information and completing assignments.

The most important responsibility of a student is to report to the teacher as early as possible in case he has any serious problem in completing assignments. For example if he fails to complete the assignment on time then he must bring it into the knowledge of the teacher as early as possible with the right reason for being late or incomplete. When students get back the checked assignments and they have any concern regarding the marking or teacher comments they must request the teacher for a discussion and humbly try to explain their point or request the teacher to explain their mistake.